Friday, 14 March 2014

10 Reasons to Hate Scandal

10 Reasons to Hate Scandal

List by T. Austin

10. Tony Goldwyn was much more convincing as the voice of Tarzan in the Disney movie than the President of the United States.

9. Kerry Washington's amazing wardrobe just makes you think of how cheap your Mother's Day present was. 

8. Everyone is always yelling at each other. 

7. Olivia's dad is kinda creepy and reminds you of the dude that played Candy Man (plus he spits when he's really angry). 

6. Tony Goldwyn killed Patrick Swayze in Ghost and we haven't quite forgiven him for that. (Yes that was Fitz in Ghost trying to get into Demi Moore's unmentionables)

5. Tony Goldwyn tried to kill Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost and we haven't quite forgiven him for that either. Love you Whoopi! 

4. No one in the show is a vampire or werewolf.  That's just weird.  (Imagine Mellie as an enraged werewolf - EPIC!)

3. There are little or no explosions in most episodes. Like zero.

2. Kerry Washington is sooo good you'd rather see her talent be used in a reboot of Wonder Woman. 

1. And the number 1 reason to hate Scandal is...there is little chance you'll see a zombie in any episode. Yeah even Mellie is supposed to be alive.  Now that's just wrong. 

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